
The strategic values and objectives

An education of the highest quality is the greatest gift that parents can give to their children.​




“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”

The next global generation will need exceptional academic and intellectual creativity to take on positions of leadership and address the many challenges that face our world. Given this, it is vitally important that the leading schools in the 21st Century provide a genuinely holistic international education to prepare learners for the responsibilities they will face in their lives.

Admission process

Enrolment By signing the Admission application and paying the Deposit and Admission Fee students will be enrolled.

Terms and Conditions

Parents following the Admissions procedure are requested to provide as much information as possible to The SCHOOL Parents must provide any individual educational plans, medical and psychological reports to The SCHOOL to enable assessment and appropriate provision.

The SCHOOL collates the information from reports and teacher reference forms, and where necessary a further assessment may take place. The SCHOOL reserves the right to terminate an enrolment application without any recourse to the courts and without any compensation at their sole discretion.

Consequences in Case of Late or Non-Payment

Live the Life of Your Dreams: Be brave enough to live the life of your dreams according to your vision and purpose instead of the expectations and opinions of others.

Roy T. Bennett

The Light in the Heart

Our Fee Structure

Tuition Fees are charges directly associated with the education of students. Admission /HR Office can provide more details of termly fees and payment due dates.


Sibling discount

A 25% sibling discount is offered. This is applied to the tuition fees of the youngest siblings after the first full paying child. The Admission /HR Office will provide the details of all discounts.

Enrolment during the year

For students that enroll after the beginning of the school year the proportion of Tuition Fees will be provided by Admn Office.


Additional Fees

Additional Fees are charged for transportation, school uniforms, school lunches, residential trips, and extracurricular activities where these are run by external providers or incur additional costs.

Board Exams / BISE Charges

The Board (BISE) charge is a flat fee for costs associated with registration and examination entrance with the Board for IX, X, XI,XII students.


Terms and Conditions

Parents following the Admissions procedure are requested to provide as much information as possible to The SCHOOL Parents must provide any individual educational plans, medical and psychological reports to The SCHOOL to enable assessment and appropriate provision. The SCHOOL collates the information from reports and teacher reference forms, and where necessary a further assessment may take place. The SCHOOL reserves the right to terminate an enrolment application without any recourse to the courts and without any compensation at their solediscretion.

Consequences in Case of Late or Non-Payment

Live the Life of Your Dreams: Be brave enough to live the life of your dreams according to your vision and purpose instead of the expectations and opinions of others.

Roy T. Bennett

The Light in the Heart

New Admission Starts In November

Click the button below to kickstart your admission process and become a part of our dynamic learning community. Your future starts with this simple click. Welcome to a world of knowledge, growth, and endless possibilities.

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